In the society that we live in today, there is all sorts of judgement taking place whether we choose to believe it or not. Most people would like to say that they are judge-free and allow people to do what they please without having an opinion. However, that is never the case.
Personally, I even find myself judging people before even knowing them, based on what they look like. Although, I try my hardest not to because I wouldn't want someone judging me based off things that don't really matter.
I have also heard people talking about other people and labelling them as "this" or "that" just because of what they wear, or how they speak. Judgement can be vocalized, or simply be a mere thought in one's mind. Either way it's still there, and occurs all the time.
What's even worse is this criticism happens so naturally, that we don't even realize that we're doing it. But why is it? Why does any of it matter? It's not like what other people appear to be, or decide to do, effects our personal lives. So why do we care?
Most likely, we're bored and for some reason feel the need to make our negative opinions about other individuals public. By doing this, we're risking what we say about one another getting back to that person. Which can do damage to that individuals self confidence, whether they show it or not.
Personally, when I hear something someone else said about me that I didn't take kindly, I try to ignore it and pretend like I don't care. Sometimes I genuinely don't, but when I do, it makes me wonder what I ever did to that person to make them think that of me.
Words can hurt, and they definitely have hurt the people living in our society today. I don't think that we fully understand the power behind the words that we say. And maybe it's not even to that persons' face, but that doesn't mean they won't hear it from someone else.
All this is going to accomplish is conflict between us. Let alone that it's un-needed conflict that could've been avoided if we had just kept our opinions to ourselves. But maybe some want to create conflict just because they have the intentions of hurting other. Which doesn't make sense to me. Why put someone else down?
Judgement is a concept that's un-avoidable, but we can help it by not making our negative connotations vocal for others to know. For example, if you think something that maybe isn't the sweetest thought, don't say it out loud.
Some people believe that one can be judge-free and completely not care about what others do, and accept everyone. I think that's just the dreamed reality compared to the quite opposite true reality. As much as I'd love to think that the society we live in today was completely and whole-heartedly accepting.
But that doesn't mean I don't think that that reality can be achieved. I 100% think that we can change, and stop giving dirty looks at what we think isn't normal, because who are we to say what is and isn't socially acceptable.
The first step is for us to just learn to love the diversity that we have all around us. Embrace the different personalities, styles, people, etc. and make good with what we have. Because no, it doesn't matter about what you wear, or how you look, but the content of character.